LUCS Digital Archive

Our aim is to give everyone access to a comprehensive collection of images relating to the Union Canal and to LUCS.   We welcome feedback to

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About the LUCS Digital Archives


This project started out with the aim of making the LUCS collection more accessible.

LUCS operates the only canal museum in Scotland. Here you will find images of all the items that are in the physical collection.

Over the years we have built up a collection of images - mainly slides and photographs - and these are also included here.

LUCS - Linlithgow Union Canal Society - was founded in 1975 and the collection here will eventually display a full range of images from our own history.

At present this is not fully implemented but we hope to add many more LUCS images as time goes bye.


The archives are organised in a multi-layer structure.

The top level includes LUCS, Canal history, Items in the Museum Collection and Images of the Union Canal as it is now.

Below these headings are further category albums that lead to the images themselves.

The images can be viewed at various different sizes by clicking on the icon.

A useful feature is geo-location. For most images, the location is shown using Open Street Maps.

Breadcrumbs near the top left of the page show where you are in the structure. Clicking on a higher level will take you directly there.


The archive is completely searchable.

The Search... box on every page will find items and categories that match entered terms, but this will tend to produce too many hits. If a category description includes the search term its entire contents are included in the results.

Many of the images are tagged with one or more keywords and a more productive approach is to search by keyword (Click on Related tags) to display a drop-down listing and then select the relevant tag or to use the very comprehensive Advanced Search facility.

LUCS Website

To find out more about LUCS, visit The LUCS Website.